Details of FFK's new strategy for girls' football are revealed
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The mass mobilization, empowerment and development of girls' football is the main objective that aims to be achieved through the new Kosovo football strategy drawn up at the end of last year.

This strategy has received the full support of FIFA and UEFA thus giving them even greater power.

The head of education in the Football Federation of Kosovo, Sanije Krasniqi, told KosovaPress that this strategy has been worked on for more than a year, with a special focus on massifying women's football.

In efforts to popularize football among all generations, Krasniqi announced that he is continuing to work with the "Football in schools" project, which enables children to play football from a young age.

In addition to the work for the massification of football and the extension to the young age group, Krasniqi said that there is also a great development in the Superliga of Kosovo in women's football.

Krasniqi expressed her satisfaction with the results achieved in 2023 with the women's national team A, but that the goals are to qualify for an important European championship.

Being also the head of the education of coaches in FFK, Krasniqi revealed to KosovaPress that from this year they will start with the granting of the UEFA-A license for coaches in Kosovo.

Krasniqi added that the volume of work within the Football Federation of Kosovo is extremely large, but that this institution is criticized by people outside of it since, according to her, they are not aware of the daily developments that take place within this sports field./A. Bytyci

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