According to the Kosovo Agency of Statistics, this is mainly explained by the increase in consumer prices in this period in the COICOP subgroups: edible oils and fats (52.1%); solid fuels, firewood, pellets, etc. (48.6%); bread and cereals (32.4%); fuels and lubricants for personal transport means (32.0%); milk, cheese and eggs (26.2%); gas (26.1%); meat (22.5%); sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and sweets (19.7%); transport services (17.9%); coffee, tea and cocoa (17.6%); various food products, sauces, spices, salt, baby food, etc. (15.7%); hotel services (14.9%); goods and services for the usual maintenance of the household (14.3%); maintenance and arrangement of residence (12.2%); home and garden tools and equipment (11.3%); personal care (8.9%); packed vacations (7.9%); mineral water, soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices (7.3%); other recreational, garden and pet items and equipment (6.8%); spare parts and accessories for personal transport means (6.2%); personal items (5.9%); household appliances (5.4%); purchase of vehicles (5.3%); tobacco (5.3%); alcoholic beverages (5.2%); pharmaceutical products (4.6%); glassware, cutlery and kitchen tools (4.2%); furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings (3.8%), with a combined impact of these subgroups by 13.3 percent in HICP.