Chief Prosecutor's Office: There is still no lawsuit against Banjska
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7 month ago
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More than eight months have passed since the terrorist attack in Banjska of Zveçan, where Kosovo Police Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku lost his life.

Officially, there are still no lawsuits filed by the Kosovo Prosecutor's Office against the Serbian terrorist group led by Milan Radoicic, wanted by Interpol, but still at large in Serbia.

Leaders of state institutions and analysts have criticized the State Prosecutor's Office for not filing a lawsuit.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti in a media conference in December 2023 together with the Minister of Internal Affairs Xhelal Sveçla, criticized the Prosecutor's Office saying that despite the facts provided by the security institutions, the Prosecutor's Office did not file any indictment for the attack in Banjska.

In the meantime, the Acting Chief State Prosecutor Besim Kelmendi, asked by KosovaPress not to file any indictments for the Banjska case, explains this fact because of the legal deadline for filing indictments, which is two years with the possibility of extension for another year.

On September 24, 2023 in Banjska, a terrorist group from Serbia led by Milan Radoicic attacked the Kosovo Police, killing Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku. Kosovo police responded to this attack by killing three members of the terrorist group. Radoicic fled to Serbia and admitted that he was behind this attack. On October 19, 2023, the European Parliament (EP) strongly condemned the attack on the police in Banjska of Zveçan on September 24, calling it a terrorist attack and demanded responsibility from Serbia.

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