Cameron: If there are problems in the Balkans, then there are also problems in Europe
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5 month ago
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The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama met today the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of Great Britain, Lord David Cameron in Tirana.

After the meeting, they held a joint press conference. Rama said that the focus has been placed on the bilateral relations between the two countries, while adding that Britain will support the project for the construction of the Durrës-Prishtina railway and that the competition for the commercial port in Durrës will be opened very soon.

He added that they are waiting for the final answer from NATO for the military wing of the port of Durrës.

The meeting also discussed the joint project of the fight against illegal human trafficking and cooperation in the region, as well as the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

Meanwhile, Cameron expressed his satisfaction for the visit to Albania, which he called a success story in economic terms, but also its role in NATO. He said that the railway from Prishtina to Durrës will be important for the entire region, for which he said that any eventual problem there also reflects in Europe.

Cameron arrived in Tirana today. He was welcomed by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani at the airport. The Foreign Secretary of Great Britain is expected to meet with President Bajram Begaj.

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