Bedri Hamza promises 6 billion euros in capital investments during his government
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The Democratic Party of Kosovo's candidate for prime minister, Bedri Hamza, at an electoral rally in Skenderaj, has promised six billion euros in capital investments during his government.
Hamza, in the PDK stronghold, also promised a 50 percent increase in public sector salaries, saying that Kosovo can do better, so they will win the February 9 elections.

“With the belief that with our work, our commitment, we can make the lives of citizens better. In this belief and opportunity also comes the motto of our campaign, our main commitment, that we can do better, that you deserve better… From these meetings I have learned what my program should offer, what are the solutions you seek and how Kosovo should be. But, above all, I have understood that Kosovo can become the state you want, that Kosovo can do better… We will invest over 6 billion euros in capital projects”, said Hamza.

Meanwhile, PDK leader Memli Krasniqi said that the large support in Skenderaj is showing that this party will win the elections. He criticized Prime Minister Albin Kurti, calling him a coward and incompetent.

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