Sveçla: The Iber Bridge is a closed issue, there is nothing to discuss in the dialogue
The Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla, has said that the opening of the main bridge over the Iber River is not a matter of dialogue. According to him, this topic was closed in 2016 and now they are waiting for the inspection and procedural stages for its opening.
Sveçla, who was accompanied by the Minister of Local Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, shortly after the end of the protest by members of the Serbian community in the north, said that for the opening of the bridge there is also a decision of the municipal assembly of North Mitrovica.
Speaking about today's protest by members of the Serbian community against the opening of the bridge, Sveçla said that they have a democratic right to protest.
In North Mitrovica, near the Ibri bridge, members of the Kosovo Serb community protested, who opposed the opening of the bridge for traffic. /KosovaPress