VV calls the spring session of the Assembly successful: We broke the record of approved laws
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7 month ago
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Vetëvendosje has considered the spring session of the Assembly successful, saying that the current legislature is the most successful with a total of 254 laws approved so far.

The MP of this party, Adnan Rrustemi, said that the Assembly in the spring session has adopted 36 laws, where 20 of them are international agreements.

The head of the VV Parliamentary Group, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, admitted that the Assembly had problems with the quorum, but also blamed the opposition parties, who according to her have constantly boycotted by not voting or not being present in the plenary sessions.

Asked about the frequent absence of Prime Minister Albin Kurti in plenary sessions during 2024 and not answering parliamentary questions, Kusari-Lila said that such a thing does not hold, as the head of government is among the most active prime ministers in attending the sessions.

In addition to this, the head of VV parliamentary group does not guarantee that the Civil Code will be approved by the end of this legislature, as she said that for such a thing, a consensus is also needed from the opposition. /E.Zeqiri/

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