According to her, Kosovo cannot send Miroslav Lajcak's draft for the association to the Constitutional Court as a separate part from the agreement reached last year, but only as part of the package that includes the detailed implementation plan.
Gërvalla considers it necessary that the new structures of the European Union have a different and balanced approach, as she says from Lajcak's failed dialogue.
As an appropriate solution, she considers the possibility of the EU sending this draft to the Venice Commission for evaluation. However, she says that they are ready to sit down with the representatives of the Serbian community in Kosovo, so that the government can draw up a draft statute of the association of municipalities with a Serbian majority in Kosovo.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs asks Kosovo's international allies to take into account Kosovo's proposal for drafting a draft association statute.According to her, Kosovo's allies have never officially asked Kosovo to draw up a draft for the association, but have always been on the verge of reaching an agreement in Brussels.
Gërvalla asks the EU to send the draft of the association to the Venice Commission for evaluation.