Arrest warrant to some Kosovo police officials, Sveçla: Nothing good is expected from Russia
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10 month ago
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In recent days, it has been reported that Russia has issued an international arrest warrant for some officials of the elite units of the Kosovo Police.

Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla stated that they have been officially informed about the international arrest warrant against the commander of the special unit, Besart Ahmeti.

He said that nothing good is expected from Russia, but as Sveçla said, this is not his concern, nor Ahmeti's.

Russia's arrest warrants against members of the Kosovo Police come a few months after the events of September 24 last year in Banjska and as a response to the international arrest warrant issued by INTERPOL for the Serbian chief criminal of the north, Milan Radojçic and several other participants in the terrorist attack in Banjska. Although their participation in recent years in the actions of the Police to establish law and order in the north of Kosovo, including the arrest of a Russian citizen in 2019, for the barricades in the north, has been taken as a pretext.

With the issuance of this arrest warrant, Russia has requested that these Kosovar police officers be included in INTERPOL's wanted list.

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