Armed robbery at a gas station in Pristina
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4 year ago
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An armed robbery took place at a petrol station in Veternik, in Prishtina. Kosovo Police spokeswoman for the Pristina Region, Flora Ahmeti has said that the suspect who committed the robbery has been arrested. "Today around 03:00, we received information about an armed robbery at a gas station in Veternik, in Pristina. The police units responded immediately, and managed to identify and arrest the suspect ", said Ahmeti. Preliminary investigations say that the suspect under the threat of a gun managed to get a certain amount of money and had tried to leave the scene. "Based on the initial results of the investigation, it is suspected that the suspect under the threat of a weapon (injuring the victim, managed to get some money and begun leaving the scene, but immediately the police units were put in pursuit and they have arrested the suspect just minutes after the case was reported. The suspect was caught and the police confiscated the money, two telephones, a bag, etc. The police have also seized for examination the vehicle driven by the suspect. Currently, police investigators in coordination with the prosecution are carrying out the necessary investigative and procedural actions in order to clarify and clarify all the circumstances regarding this case." , said Ahmeti
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