The lack of fair and good reporting creates interethnic tensions and mistrust between communities in Kosovo and Serbia. For Albanians in Presevo, the main problems are the Government of Serbia, Russia and representatives of the Serbian community in the Kosovo parliament, while for Serbs in northern Kosovo, the problem remains “the Government of Kosovo and signed international agreements”. This was stated at a press conference titled “Serb/Alb Media Mirror”, on the occasion of the publication of the analysis of the non-governmental organization “ACDC” and the organization for Social Research “BIRDOI” on the topic “Images in our heads and hearts: Albanians and Serbs - one for the other”.
On this occasion, it was said that the purpose of the project was to understand the relations between Albanians and Serbs in southern Serbia and Serbs in northern Kosovo. Agon Islami from the Civic Association “Center for Democracy and Education-Valley” from Bujanoc emphasized that Albanian citizens in the Valley are faced with the passivation of addresses, the non-recognition of Kosovo diplomas and the non-integration of Albanians in Serbian institutions.