About 120 technical school workers started the strike today
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1 year ago
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About 120 technical workers of primary and secondary schools have started a strike from today. For more than a year, they have been asking for salary increases, the same as the workers who are under the management of the Municipality of Prishtina. They have warned that if their demands are not met during the week, they will resign next week.

With the exception of the "Dardania" school in the capital, the strike of technical workers has started in all schools today.

The head of the Independent Trade Union of the Private Sector of Kosovo, Jusuf Azemi, said that this strike started at the request of the workers.

Further, he added that there are about 120 workers who started the strike today, with demands for a salary increase.

Nazif Hyseni, who is a technical worker at the "Naim Frashëri" school, wants to be equal to other technical workers, who are under the management of the Municipality of Pristina.

Also, Nadire Buzaku, who is a technical worker at the "Naim Frashëri" school, expresses her dissatisfaction with the payment.

The head of the Independent Trade Union of the Private Sector of Kosovo, Jusuf Azemi, also visited the technical workers of the "Pjeter Bogdani" school in the capital. /Sh. Pajaziti

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