A bar burned down in Zubin Potok, the police prevented the house from burning down and caught the suspect in the act
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1 year ago
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A person has been arrested after setting fire to a bar in Zubin Potok. The Kosovo police reacted by preventing the burning of the house by the same person in whose house a military uniform, a radio connection and 22 devices for the production of cryptocurrencies were found.

The Kosovo Police announces that last night around 11:00 p.m., it was announced that near the Municipal Assembly in Zubin Potok, a bar caught fire and is burning. Immediately, the police unit responded to the case and went to the scene of the incident, which was located on "Kolasinskih Knjezeva" street.

"The fire was initially located by the police officers who were securing the municipal facility in Zubin Potok together with the owner of the bar, while the fire department also came to the scene. In addition to material damage, fortunately no injured persons were reported. According to initial information, preliminary police investigations and evidence found by the police at the scene, it was suspected that the fire was caused intentionally. After quick investigative actions and operational resources at 00:50, the Kosovo Police managed to identify and arrest the suspect involved in this case on the street "Kolasinskih Knjezeva" in Zubin Potok, in an attempt to escape from the event, where the same person also tried to set fire to the private house of the same owner", the Police communiqué states.

The now arrested suspects were found and confiscated in possession of arson tools, such as a plastic bottle filled with gasoline modified as a molotov cocktail and two fire starters.

"In the house of the suspect, the following were found and seized: a radio, a military uniform, two bulletproof plates, a pair of sweatpants with blood stains, as well as twenty-two devices for the production of cryptocurrencies. According to the information, it is suspected that the suspect took these actions against the properties of his wife's family, as a result of a previous dispute with his wife, after the latter had left the house and gone to live with her own family. The regional investigation unit came to the scene and contacted the guardian prosecutor, and with his instructions, the suspect was detained for 48 hours for further legal procedures. The Kosovo Police remains committed to providing security, preserving the lives and property of all citizens of the country without distinction, as well as undertaking legal actions against the perpetrators of criminal offenses or bringing them before the justice authorities," the communiqué states.

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