"2023 was a year of rapid sports development", Osmani: This year we invest in infrastructure
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2023 is considered to have been the year with the most rapid development of the sport, both for internal development and on the international level.

This is how the Deputy Minister for Culture, Youth and Sport, Daulina Osmani, describes the year 2023 in an interview for KosovaPress. Above all, she appreciates the changes in the legal infrastructure, including the new draft law on sports, which foresees the strengthening of the sports structure, which also includes the Sports Agency as the newest body in this field.

Osmani said that with this law, for the first time, the financial compensation of sportsmen who contributed during the occupation is foreseen.

Osmani considers last year as a key year for the development of sports in Kosovo, which culminated in winning the right to organize the 2030 Mediterranean Games.

To the criticism that MCYS has not made large investments in infrastructure, Osmani responded by saying that many legal violations were found in the projects of the past years and that they needed to be fixed. She adds that 2024 will be a year of many investments in sports infrastructure.

2024 will be the year that brings five international basketball events to Kosovo, and this, according to Osmani, will affect the increase in investments in the renovation and construction of new sports halls.

During 2023, Osmani also emphasized that through various subsidies, for the sports sector, MCYS has allocated over 12 million euros.

MCYS is paying special attention to the "Sports in School" project, which, according to Osmani, aims to expand sports activities within classes in primary and secondary schools.

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