1st Western Balkans Civil Society Summit
The 1st Western Balkans Civil Society Summit another event organized by the Western Balkans Fund that will give a fresh look into the regional cooperation and reconciliation in WB region.
WBF with the support of Government of Japan during the period from 27th to 29th February 2020, will gather over 70 CSO representatives from all Western Balkan Contracting Parties, this Summit is considered to be as one of the best platforms where participants can openly discuss ideas and together shape our regional future. Our regional future consists partnerships among actors coming from the region but at the same time continue learning about each other and understand differences that keep hindering regional cooperation and reconciliation in WB.
WBF through its comprehensive and all-inclusive approach has brought together to this Summit, from decision makers, beneficiaries to donor community representatives to exchange information, ideas and opinions that could further contribute to regional cooperation and reconciliation processes. This milestone event further promotes the role of WBF as inter-governmental and regionally owned initiative, which envisions Western Balkan region at peace with itself; prosperously integrated into its European home.
1st WBF Civil Society Summit
WBF by being actively present in the region through Calls for Proposals, learned from its stakeholders that a regional event is more than a necessity, an event that brings all layers of society together; where new approaches can be shared, best practices mounted, concrete products shaped, cooperation engineered and strategic priorities debated.
WBF through this CSO Summit aims to valorize the efforts and inputs of all champions of regional cooperation involved in the work of WBF and in a wider regional context. Key outputs of the Summit are conclusions and recommendations that will further synthetize strategic priorities of reconciliation processes in the region and will serve as evidence for WBF to continue growing as genuine and relevant regional factor in supporting regional initiatives and people to people links. The CSO Summit focuses on strengthening and promoting regional cooperation in Western Balkans through people to people links and dialogue between WBF’s stakeholders.