​VV over 157,000 votes more than on October 6, LDK about 130,000 less, PDK and AAK also have a decrease in votes
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The CEC completed the counting of votes from 2,382 polling stations in Kosovo, according to which Albin Kurti's party received 378,550 votes or 47.85 percent, while in the October 6 elections it had 220,811 votes, which means that it has increased the number of votes by 157,739 votes. In second place is the Democratic Party of Kosovo with 137,722 votes or 17.41 percent. PDK in the 2019 elections was ranked third, with 178, 645 votes or 21.23 percent, which means that despite passing the LDK in these elections, it has decreased by 40,923 votes. The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has marked its worst result so far, ranking third with 103,507 votes or 13.08 percent. LDK on October 6, 2019 was second with 206,458 votes or 24.45 percent. This party, from whose leader Isa Mustafa resigned on Monday, has 102,951 votes less. The results of the CEC do not include conditional votes, those by mail and those of people with disabilities.
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