​The prosecution provides details about the attack on the owner of a pharmacy in Pristina
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2 year ago
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The Basic Prosecution in Prishtina has announced that regarding the case where the injured party is the owner of the pharmacy "Rexall", in Prishtina, D.A., who a few days ago was attacked by several people with bats, so the custodial prosecutor has authorized the police in undertaking all necessary investigative actions related to this case. According to the prosecution, on May 24, 2022, by order of the prosecutor, a case was initiated classified as criminal offense "Threat", where the injured party in this case is A.A., (brother of the above-mentioned injured party) and with a ruling on detention were detained for 48 hours suspect B.M. and A.S. The State Prosecutor filed a request for detention on remand in the competent court, in relation to the criminal offense "Threat", provided under the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo. "Regarding criminal cases, the State Prosecutor is continuing to undertake investigative actions in coordination with the police to fully clarify all the circumstances," the statement said.
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