​The National Council of Science convenes, Myzafere Limani is elected president
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3 year ago
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The National Council of Science (NCS) has held its first constitutive meeting, where it has elected the governing bodies for the work that will be done by the 15 members of this Council in the four-year term. The council has been non-functional since 2011 while the National Science Program has expired from 2015. By secret voting, as provided by the Rules of Procedure of the Council, Myzafere Limani was elected chairwoman of the NCS, while Mihane Kerolli was elected secretary. On this occasion, the Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci congratulated the members for this important task that has been entrusted to them. The Minister stressed that the NCS already has an important task to achieve common goals for the advancement of research and science in Kosovo and its internationalization, starting with the drafting of the National Science Program.  
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