​The list of some of the Serbs who are suspected of having committed crimes in Kosovo
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2 year ago
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In November 1999, in the village of Kishnica, near Pristina, in the house of Sabi Krasniqi, a list with 20 names of Serbian paramilitaries was found.

They had set up the paramilitary operative headquarters and it is proven from many sources that from this base they went and committed crimes against the Albanian civilian population in many parts of Kosovo.

Based on the list with first and last names and their addresses, it turns out that these paramilitaries are from Kosovo, with the exception of one who was from Kurshumlija.

Some of them also committed crimes in the village of Kishnica. Musa Gashi and Bajram Gashi, who escaped from this massacre, testified about these crimes.

The names on the list are:

Berisha Ruzhdi – Bekim, roma

Ilic Stalin – Velko

Panic Pavli – Sinisha, Preloc of Pristina

Cvejic Lubisha – Lan, Hallaq – Lipjan

Vukadinovic Jovan – Njegosh, Kurshumlia

Andric Mirko – Drashko, Pristina

Dikic Branko – Nebojsha, Priluzha

Krastic Rade – Svetislav, Skullan of Lipjan

Selishnik Jelica – Tomislav, Kishnica

Sinisha Jovanovic, Kishnica

Jovan Karadzic, Kishnica

Goran Trajkovic, Kishnica

Boban Trajkovic, Kishnica

Dejan Trajkovic, Kishnica

Predrag Djordjevic, Kishnica

Petar Savelic, Kishnica

Mile Bulajic, KIshnica

Djodje Bulajic, Kishnica

Zhivorad Mitic – Zhiko, Kishnica

Dragan Mitic – Burdo, KIshnica

Dragan Milic, Kishnica

Zoran Trajkovic, Kisnica

Mike Ilic, Gracanica

Dushan Ilic, Gracanica

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