​The events of July 26  
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The Committee for Public Administration examines the supplementary report of the permanent committees for the Draft Law on the Government of Kosovo. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, 10:00)

On the occasion of marking the anniversary of the death of Adem Demaçi, the Association of Political Prisoners of Kosovo conducts the following activities:

10:00 – Promotion of the book "Prisoner's Book - Snakes of Blood" by the author Selatin Novosella. (Association of Political Prisoners of Kosovo.

11:00 - Homages are paid near the grave of Adem Demaç. (Pristina Martyrs Cemetery)

12:00 - "Adem Demaçi" square is visited and wreaths are placed on the foundation stone of the statue of Adem Demaçi.

The Committee for the Supervision of Public Finances examines the Audit report for the financial statements of the Health Insurance Fund for the year 2021. Invited director, Fatmir Plakiqi. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-10, 11:00)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gërvalla and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Liza Gashi, present two projects related to the diaspora. (MPJD, conference room, 11:00)

The agenda of the Memorial Day for police officers killed in the line of duty:

11:00 - laying of wreaths - Headstones of heroes - KP General Directorate.

11:10 - opening of the memorial ceremony - "Centre" police station - Pristina.

11:15 – speeches

11:30 - parade of the guard and police units

The Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, receives the Swedish ambassador in Pristina, Karin Hernmarck Ahliny. (President's office, 12:15)

The Environment Committee examines the Draft Law on amending and supplementing the Law on Wines. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-302, 13:00)

A debate is held on the topic "Position and problems of non-majority communities in Kosovo". (Media Center Çaglavica, 13:00)

 "Vëllezeri Frashëri" School in Lipjan accepts the donation of computer equipment from the Association of Albanian Parents Education "Naim Frasheri" Switzerland. ("Vëllezeri Frashëri" School, Lipjan, 14:00)

The unique Artistic Installation in the Ibar River, near the Main Bridge, is inaugurated. (Mitrovica, 19.00)

On the occasion of the KLA Martyrs' Day of the Shtime Municipality, homage is paid to the statue of the legendary commander Adem Jashari, in the KLA square, in the cemeteries of the KLA martyrs in Shtime, Reçak, Mollopolc and Vojnoc. (09:00)

Volunteer blood donation by the youth of the village of Rashnica, on the occasion of the Martyrs' Day of the KLA of Shtime Municipality. (Rasnicë village mosque, 10:00-15:00)

A commemorative academy is held on the occasion of the Martyrs' Day of the KLA of Shtime Municipality. (House of Culture Shtime, 11:00)

On the occasion of the Day of Martyrs of the KLA of the Municipality of Shtime, a visit is made to the City Museum in Shtime. (Ahmet Shtimja Square, 12:00)

The Non-Governmental Organization Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture holds a conference on cultural diversity. (Private cultural center "Aquarious", North Mitrovica, 18:00-20:00)

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