​The events of August 4
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The Committee for Education examines the Anti-Doping Draft Law in principle. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-10, 09:00) Continuation of the plenary session. (Assembly of Kosovo, 09:30) The Security Affairs Committee holds a discussion on parliamentary diplomacy in the field of security. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-204, 09:30) The Committee on Rights and Interests of Communities and Return examines the Draft Law on State Archives. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, 09:30) The Committee for the Environment examines the Draft Law on amending the Law on Wines. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-302, 09:45) The Assembly of Kosovo holds a plenary session. (Assembly of Kosovo, 10:00) The Syri Vizion organization and Save the Children in Kosovo, in cooperation with the Office for Good Governance and the Committee for Human Rights, hold the awareness campaign "I have a law that protects me". ("Skanderbeg" Square, Pristina, 10:00) ORCA holds press conference. (In front of the Rectorate of the University of Pristina, 11:00) Artpolis and Prizrenfest organize the conference "Equal representation in the Theater - Opportunities and reality for actors and actresses". (At Shani Efendi's House in Prizren, 11:00) The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo holds a press conference (Courtyard of the Assembly of Kosovo, 13:00) The Health Committee examines in principle the Draft Law on amending the law on pension schemes financed by the state. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, 14:00) The association of intellectuals "Jakova" organizes the awarding of the title "Intellectual Courage" 2021 to Jusuf Buxhovi on the occasion of his 76th birthday. (School of Music "Prenk Jakova", Gjakova, 19:30)
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