The political analyst, Arbnor Sadiku, tells KosovaPress that based on the insistence of the European Union and the USA to postpone the decision on the dinar, Kosovo is risking a lot for new sanctions.
Likewise, the other political analyst, Arton Demhasaj, says that there is a tendency from the EU to toughen punitive measures against Kosovo, due to the decision on the dinar.
According to him, there will be no new punitive measures against Kosovo, and he even emphasizes that the EU should remove the existing ones as soon as possible.
According to the new regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo, which entered into force on February 1, it is foreseen that the only currency of payments in Kosovo will be the euro.
The CBK announced that it has taken a number of relief measures for Kosovo Serbs in the four northern municipalities, including opening a free telephone line (0800-222-55), an e-mail for complaints, as well as a dedicated number on 'viber' '.
Among the facilitating measures it has undertaken are the easing of the conditions for opening bank accounts, the temporary suspension of the CBK fee applicable for opening branches/offices, "to encourage licensed non-bank financial institutions (with an emphasis on exchange) to open offices in Kosovo's municipalities with a Serbian majority, especially in the four northern municipalities.