​Serhii Shevchenko and Liudmyla Mekh, the next Ukrainian journalists to come to Kosovo
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2 year ago
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This Sunday morning, Liudmyla Mekh and Serhii Shevchenko arrived in Kosovo, as part of the program "Journalists in Residence - Kosovo". They have been accommodated in Pristina, and will have the opportunity to continue their work as journalists from Kosovo. The veteran journalists have worked in various media in Ukraine, and are an active part of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU). Mekh is the founder and president of the Journalists' Initiative Foundation, based in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. The journalists were received at the airport by the ECPMF Legal Officer, Flutura Kusari, the President of Journalist Association, Xhemajl Rexha, and representatives of the Ministry of Interior. The "Journalists in Residence - Kosovo" program is funded by the Government of Kosovo and provides housing rent, monthly payment and health insurance for the 20 journalists expected to arrive in Kosovo in the coming weeks.
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