​Official: Isa Mustafa resigns from the post of LDK chairman
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4 year ago
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Isa Mustafa has resigned from the post of LDK chairman. After the presidency meeting, he said he had called the new election assembly to re-elect the party structures. "I personally assess that the result is very bad for LDK and a result that we did not expect. We appreciate that the candidate Hoti has done a good and successful job, and has presented the governing program. But the vote of the citizens must be respected. I have notified today the presidency that I will convene the LDK assembly for the election of the new chairman of the LDK in a very short period of time. I think that LDK will soon have a new chairman and we will make all the preparations through the presidency so that this process is done as well as possible. I consider that I carry a responsibility for what happened even though I was not in the election process", he said.
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