​LDK: Concrete results of Minister Latifi are trips abroad
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2 year ago
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The Democratic League of Kosovo says that the Minister of Health, Rifat Latifi is spending most of his time outside Kosovo, even though our country is facing major problems in the health system. LDK has written on Facebook that it has been six months since Rifat Latifi was appointed head of the Ministry of Health and the only concrete results so far are only the arrival - the departure of the minister abroad. "The Minister of Health is spending most of his time outside Kosovo, even though our country is facing major problems in the health system. In the first six months of his rule alone, over 1,000 health workers have been left without pay for three months now; 45 doctors have fled Kosovo in just one month; For a year now, the Ministry of Health has not opened any call for specializations in the field of medicine, while in just two months, over 200 citizens of our country have sought treatment abroad", says LDK.
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