​Krasniqi: The decision of ARKEP is seriously damaging the country’s statehood and economy
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2 year ago
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The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kosovo, Skënder Krasniqi, has written that ARKEP, by enabling the companies that distribute the Internet that use the IP of Serbia, is severely and continuously damaging the statehood of the Republic of Kosovo, but also the country's economy. He wrote on Facebook that in meetings with representatives of the institutions, they requested that this violation be stopped, however, the reality is not changing. "With the Internet of Telecom of Kosovo and as with IPKO, Kosovo does not appear, but appears as part of Serbia", he wrote. Krasniqi's full post: The permission by ARKEP (http://www.arkep-rks.org) for Internet distribution companies to use Serbian IP is severely and continuously damaging the statehood of the Republic of Kosovo and the country's economy. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kosovo (Chamber of Doing Business in Kosovo) has been meeting with institutions for several years now and sending letters to (ARKEP, Ministers of Economy, Prime Ministers...) to stop this violation, but the reality is not changing. In the photo below you can see how it is presented with the Internet of Telecom of Kosovo and how with IPKO. Kosovo is not even shown in the photo, but appears as part of Serbia. The search was made from Pristina via https://whatismyipaddress.com. Read also: http://odaeafarizmit.org/oak-rikerkon-nga-arkep.../ http://odaeafarizmit.org/oak-kerkon-nga-kryeministri-te.../
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