​Germany and France call for the swift formation of a new government
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3 year ago
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Germany and France through a joint statement after the February 14 elections have congratulated the citizens, Albin Kurti and Vjosa Osmani for the result and called for the swift formation of the new government and the election of the president, after the results are finalized, meanwhile, stressed that they are ready to support the continuation of the dialogue. The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, has published a message on the social network Twitter where it is emphasized that Germany and France look forward to supporting an ambitious reform agenda, including strengthening law and order, as well as the fight against corruption and organized crime. “Germany and France look forward to supporting an ambitious reform agenda, including strengthening the rule of law, and the fight against corruption and organised crime. Together with EU in Kosovo  we will continue to support Kosovo in managing the COVID pandemic”, wrote Rohde.
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