​"Fighting misinformation", KosovaPress with the greatest accuracy
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2 year ago
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Among the 28-print media, KosovaPress News Agency leads with the greatest accuracy. During April and May, out of hundreds of published news, no fake news was distributed by KosovaPress. This is stated in the report "Fighting Misinformation" by FactCheckerKosova, which monitored the media registered in the Press Council of Kosovo. The leader of "Cybersecurity and Privacy", Mentor Hoxhaj stressed that in the two-month period they have listed the media with the most errors. "'Inajderi' leads with errors with 49 points and the last is 'KosovaPress' which has no errors during April and May, where 'KosovaPress' has no errors. [...] The methodology is simple with five points we scored the fake news, with four points clickbait, with four points also the mostly inaccurate news, with two points mostly correct and with errors one point ", Hoxhaj said. The research also includes the readers’ trust in the media. "The vast majority of the media, over 53 percent have zero trust. Over 52 percent of respondents have zero trust in media and portals. This is very worrying in the sense that we have monitored the media which are registered in the PMCK ", added Hoxhaj. The head of FactChecker Kosova, Alketa Rrahmani has shown that within this report, during April and May, 28 media were monitored in more than 85 thousand news. All of these media outlets are registered with the Press Council. "In total for these two months, 28 media were monitored on a daily basis, where there were more than 85 thousand news and which were verified about 30 thousand of them. FactCheckerKosova has encountered during these two months, about 400 errors, where 144 of them have been identified and more than 120 news items have been verified and published on the FactCheckerKosova website", she said. The leader of Cybersecurity and Privacy, Mentor Hoxhaj said that the top fake news during the period of the research was about the mayor of Kiev, Vitaly Klitschko, when it was written that he spoke about Albanians and Kosovo.
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