​Experts: 60 thousand jobs have been lost and thousands of businesses have been closed, there is no recovery with social schemes
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Kosovo can not have an economic recovery only with budget allocation for social categories and with a lack of support for businesses and workers affected by the pandemic Covid-19. This form of support has been criticized by economists, who are demanding from this government and the one that will come after the February 14 elections a serious platform that reflects according to the real situation created from the pandemic, where over 60 thousand jobs have been lost, there was bankruptcy of thousands of businesses and loss of markets. Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Doing Business in Kosovo CDBK, Skender Krasniqi says for KosovaPress, that if the requests of businesses are not taken into account, the year 2021 will be even more difficult in economic terms. Krasniqi also says that in the second quarter of 2020, over 60 thousand workers lost their jobs, who are still left without support, just like businesses that have suffered from the Covid-19 pandemic. The head of the CDBK further says that greater institutional will is needed to implement the Law on Economic Recovery in support of businesses and workers.
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