​Events of November 23rd
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The court hearing against Salih Mustafa continues. (The Hague, 09: 30-16: 00) The Albanian Cyber ​​Association (ACA) organizes the conference "Hack to Learn and Protect Cybersecurity Conference". US Embassy Chargé d'Affaires in Pristina Nick Giacobbe attends. (Emerald Hotel, Prishtina, 09:30) The Commission on Human Rights reviews the legal initiative for the Draft Law on Protection from Domestic Violence and the legal initiative for the Draft Law on Petitions. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-225, 10:00) Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora meeting with the Ambassador of Great Britain Nicholas Abbott, regarding the Kosovo-Britain relations after Britain left the EU. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C-301, 10:00) The Committee on Health and Social Welfare reviews draft laws in procedures. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-303, 10:00) Kosovo Institute of Justice (KLI) presents the report "Accountability without progress". (Hotel "Sirius", Prishtina, 10:00) KOSTT board and management reports to the Committee on Economy regarding the payment of electricity for the northern part of the country. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-10, 11:00) ORCA organizes an action for public denunciation of corruption in the Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency for appointments with conflict of interest at the University of Prishtina. (In front of AKM offices, street "Nazim Gafurri", Prishtina, 11:00) Ferronikel workers protest in front of the Kosovo Government building. (12:00) A meeting is held dedicated to the literary creativity of the writer Naxhie Doci. ("Libart" Center, "Hivzi Sulejmani" library, "Dardania", 12:00) The 21st Century Ep Challenge project organizes a peaceful march aimed at awakening the positive will of the citizens. (From "Zahir Pajaziti" Square to the Assembly of Kosovo, 12: 00-13: 00) The Committee on Agriculture reviews in principle the Draft Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law on Waste, the Draft Law on Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as the Draft Law on Spirits. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-302, 13:00) Continuation of the session of the Assembly of Kosovo. (Assembly of Kosovo, 14:00) The Organization for Education, Culture and Democratization "Plus" in cooperation with the Down Syndrome Kosova Association, open the sales exhibition "The world through my eyes". (Located near "Swiss Diamond", Prishtina, 16: 30-18: 30) The Utalaya Foundation and the World Conservation Organization WWF Adria show the documentary "Run for Sharr". (Kino Armata, Prishtina, 19:00)
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