​Events of June 9th
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The Committee on the Rights and Interests of Communities and Returns holds a meeting (Assembly of Kosovo, room N302, 10:00) The Kosovo Security Bureau (KSB) organizes a roundtable discussion on "Unregistered and uninsured vehicles as a challenge for membership in the Green Card system". (Hotel "Lakeside", Vermica, 10:00) The Municipality of Gjakova holds a public discussion about the Draft - Regulation on Municipal Taxes for 2022. (Municipal Premises, 10:00) FFK leaders, along with the national team and football veterans will pay homage to the grave of former FFK president and legend, Fadil Vokrri on the 4th anniversary of his death (10:30) United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in Prishtina presents the Design Phase for the EU-funded project "Construction of new facilities for the Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the University of Prishtina" (Swiss Diamond Hotel, 11:00) Pride Parade 2022 is held. The rally for the Pride Parade will start at 11:00 in "Skënderbeu" Square. At 12:00 the walk to the Cathedral will begin, and will end at the Youth Palace plateau with a speech addressing the Pride Week message for this year. (11:00) Democratic League of Kosovo holds press conference (LDK, 11:00) Promotion of the book "KLA in the face of defamation" by General Kudusi Lame. (National Library, 12:00) Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KSCF) and USAID Mission in Kosovo continue the information session on the Civic Engagement Program in Ferizaj (University of Applied Sciences, 12:30) Ceremony of awarding medals for service in PPSM (CSDP) for the EULEX Specialized Police Reserve Unit (EULEX, 12:40) The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Kosovo donates to the Kosovo Police (KP) professional equipment worth more than 440,000 dollars (KP Headquarters, 14:00) The Chairman of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Memli Krasniqi will visit the Municipality of Prizren. (Prizren, time 15:00) The Association of Journalists of Kosovo - AGK, with the support of NDI and USAID holds the conference: External influences on the media in Kosovo; What did the war in Ukraine bring to light? (Restaurant "Boho" in Prishtina, 16:00) The third edition of the Carnival with the theme "Sweat" opens (Kino Armata, 18:00)
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