​Events of June 29th
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EU Commissioner for Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak will address the media. (Online on the EU page in Kosovo on Facebook and through the Zoom platform, 9:45) AGRO Media Center and the National Raspberry Association "Kosovo Raspberry", holds the roundtable "The role of the media in promoting the small fruit sector in Kosovo". (Maxhunaj - Vushtrri, 09:30) The Budget Committee reviews the Draft Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law on Establishment of the Credit Guarantee Fund. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C-203, 10:00) Director of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency Petrit Ajeti reports to the Oversight Committee of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-303, time 10:00) The Committee on Public Administration reviews the supplementary report of the Committee on Legislation, on the Draft Law on the Government of Kosovo. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-302, 10:00) The Mayor of Malisheva, Ekrem Kastrati and the director of the Charity Association "Orphans of the Balkans", Halil Kastrati, will distribute about 400 food packages to families in need. (House of Culture "Tahir Sinani" Malisheva, 10:00) The Information and Privacy Agency organizes a Regional Conference with the sane Authorities from Albania, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia. (Hotel "Sirius" Prishtina, 10:00) The regular meeting of the Municipal Assembly of Prishtina is held. (Large Assembly Hall, old building of the Municipality, 10:00) The regular meeting of the Municipal Assembly of South Mitrovica is held. (Assembly Hall, South Mitrovica, 10:00) The regular meeting of the Municipal Assembly of Gjakova is held. (Assembly Hall, Gjakova, 10:00) The meeting of the Municipal Assembly of Rahovec is held. (Assembly Hall, Rahovec, 10:00) The Democratic Institute of Kosovo (KDI) reveals the survey conducted in Kosovo and Serbia during this month, regarding the process of dialogue and normalization of relations between the two countries. (KDI Offices Prishtina, 10:30) The NGO ACTIVE and the Kosovo Coalition for Reconciliation hold a public forum on the use of languages. (Hotel "Prishtina", Prishtina, 11:00) International Scientific Conference organized by the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova on "Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences XIV". (Faculty of Education and Philology, Gjakova, 11:00) The Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture holds a simulation of the trial process, within the project "Increasing Transparency and Rule of Law in Kosovo - Serb Majority Communities", in partnership with the NGO ACTIVE. (Basic Court, North Mitrovica branch, courtroom, 12:00) Undersecretary of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Benedetto Della Vedova holds a press conference. (Embassy of Italy Prishtina, 15:45) The Kosovo American Education Fund (KAEF) honors KAEF Fellows in the presence of Prime Minister Albin Kurti and USAID Mission Chief in Kosovo Zeinah Salahi. (Hotel "Sirius", Prishtina, 18:00) The NGO Action Against Violence and Peacebuilding opens the exhibition "Silent Pain". (National Library of Kosovo, 20:00)
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