​Events of June 28th
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Job Fair Gjakova 2022 is held. (Sports Gym "Shani Nushi", Gjakova, 09: 00-16: 00) Kosovo Law Institute (KLI) presents the report "Special Trials", which is the result of direct and systematic monitoring that KLI has done to the work of the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo. (Hotel "Sirius", Prishtina, 9:30) The Committee on Legislation reviews the decision of the Assembly regarding the Draft Law on Amending the Law on the Kosovo Agency for Property Comparison and Verification. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-302, 10:00) Riinvest Institute holds the first workshop within the project Policy Answers supported by Horizon Europe (EU). (Villa Germia, 10: 00-14: 30) Bus owners protest in front of the Municipality of Mitrovica due to the lack of working conditions. (10: 00-11: 00) Kosovo Tourism Union signs an agreement with the Canadian College of Tourism "Bay River College". (Kosovo Tourism Union Offices, Prishtina, 10:00) The Minister of Industry, Rozeta Hajdari, reports to the Committee on Economy regarding the strategic investments in the country. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-10, 11:00) The Public Finance Oversight Committee reviews the Audit report on the annual financial statements of the University of Prishtina for 2021. Summoned: UP Rector Naser Sahiti and u.d. Secretary General, Besfort Krasniqi. (Assembly of Kosovo room N-303, time 11:00) The first public meeting is held with the residents of the municipality of Gjakova. (Municipal Assembly Hall, Gjakova, 11:00) The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the decision-making process in the energy sector for the period 2006-2022, at the legislative, executive, regulatory and public enterprise levels, votes on the list of witnesses to be summoned for interview. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-204, time 12:00) Employees of the enterprise "Rilindja" protest in front of the premises of the KPA, demanding to speed up the payment of 20 percent. (12:00)
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