​Events of January 26th
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The Policy and Finance Committee of the Municipal Assembly of Gjakova holds its first meeting for 2022. (Municipal building, street "KLA", first floor, room no. 8, 10:00) The Budget Committee reviews in principle the Draft Law on Population, Households and Housing, the Draft Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law on Financing of Political Entities. (Assembly of Kosovo room C-203, 10:00) The Committee on Environment reviews the report with amendments of the working group for the Draft Law on Air Protection from Pollution. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-302, 10:00) The Committee on Security Affairs holds a meeting with the Committee on National Security of the Albanian Parliament. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C-506, 10:00, after the meeting there will be a press conference in front of room C-301) FOL Movement in cooperation with the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS) organizes a thematic discussion where the level of fulfillment of the Work Plan of the Government of Kosovo for 2021 will be presented. (Hotel "Sirius", Prishtina, 11:00) The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will hold a symbolic activity in "Skanderbeg" Square, near the National Theater. (11:00) Protest against the increase in electricity prices. (The protest starts at "Zahir Pajaziti" square and ends at the Government building. (12:00) The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) holds a press conference. (PDK headquarters, 12:00) Minister of Health Rifat Latifi reports to the Committee on Health. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-10, 12:00) The Assembly of Kosovo continues the plenary session. (Assembly of Kosovo, 14:00)
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