​Events of February 17th
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President Osmani, Speaker Konjufca and Prime Minister Kurti raise the state flag on Independence Day (Courtyard of the Government of Kosovo building, 08:00) President Osmani, Speaker Konjufca and Prime Minister Kurti pay homage to the Memorial Complex "Adem Jashari" (Prekaz, 9:00) The Municipality of Gjakova organizes homage at the monument "Friends of Freedom" (Gjakova, 10:00) The Municipality of Deçan holds a solemn session in honor of the 14th anniversary of the declaration of Kosovo's Independence. (Municipal Assembly of Deçan, 10:00) LDK Chairman, Lumir Abdixhiku, with members of the Presidency, pay homage to the grave of President Ibrahim Rugova. (Cemetery in Velania, 10:00) President Osmani, Speaker Konjufca and Prime Minister Kurti pay homage to the grave of President Ibrahim Rugova. (Cemetery in Velani, 10:30) The Municipality of Skenderaj holds a solemn session in honor of the 14th anniversary of the declaration of Kosovo's Independence. (Municipal Assembly of Skenderaj, 10:30) President Osmani, Speaker Konjufca and Prime Minister Kurti pay homage to the grave of activist Adem Demaçi (Velani, 10:40) The Assembly of Kosovo convenes in a solemn session in honor of the 14th anniversary of Kosovo's Independence. (Assembly of Kosovo, 11:00) The national teams of veterans, of Kosovo, Albania and Greece, participate in the football tournament in honor of the Independence of Kosovo. (The Nactonal Camp, Hajvalia, 11:30) Kosovo Security Force and Kosovo Police parade in honor of the 14th anniversary of Kosovo Independence ("Mother Teresa" Square, 12:00) Promotion of the book "78 days of NATO bombing". (National Library of Kosovo, 14:00) The competition for photographs "Colors of Albanians 2022", co-organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, closes. (National Library "Pjetër Bogdani", 15:00) A state reception is organized for the 14th anniversary of Kosovo's Independence. (Palace of Youth, 16:00) Kosovo Philharmony holds a concert in honor of the 14th anniversary of Kosovo Independence (Red Hall, 17:00) The National Dance Ensembles of Kosovo and Albania hold a joint concert (National Theater of Kosovo, 18:30)
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