​Escobar: The Brussels Agreement is a legally binding obligation
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1 year ago
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The special envoy of the United States of America for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, has stated that the agreement reached in Brussels and the one in Ohrid are legal in every way and their full implementation will help the region heal the most divisive frozen conflict. in the Balkans, since 1999.

In an interview for MINA, he expressed optimism that they will reach the implementation of the two agreements.

"I want to tell you that the process is a historical development in the relations between Serbia and Kosovo. A normalization agreement, on European terms, that creates a peaceful, stable and predictable relationship between two hostile neighbors is a major achievement. It took a lot of political courage from President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti to reach that agreement. And by the way, it is a legally binding obligation. I hear people say they didn't sign, and therefore it's not legal. It's legal in every way. Vice President (of the European Commission) Borrel said it was legal and binding, and both leaders affirmed that it is legal and binding. And the question now is, how do we fully implement it? Because, fully implemented, it will help the region heal the most divisive conflict frozen in the Balkans since 1999. So I'm optimistic that we'll get there. I believe that both leaders can show the political courage necessary to take the right steps," he said.

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