​​Montenegro seeks deepening of economic and commercial cooperation with Kosovo
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2 year ago
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Relations between Kosovo and Montenegro should be deepened and developed with higher forms of cooperation for economy and trade, says Mladen Perazic, director of the Education Sector at the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.

Director Perazic told KosovaPress that companies from Montenegro are interested in investing in Kosovo and realizing joint projects.

Among other things, he said that the two countries have investment potential, Montenegro for tourism and Kosovo in different sectors.

The director of the Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro, who participated in the regional conference in Pristina organized by the Chamber of Trade and Industry Kosovo, said that such activities are an opportunity to present the economies of the two countries, Kosovo - Montenegro.

The latest trade reports with CEFTA countries show that Kosovo imported 100 million euros from CEFTA countries while exporting 32 million.

Meanwhile, the main export partners from the CEFTA countries are: Albania 14.8 percent, Serbia 9.2 percent, Macedonia 8.4 percent, Montenegro 4.4 percent.

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