​​Kosovo welcomes two more Ukrainian journalists
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2 year ago
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At noon today, the Ukrainian journalists, Maryna Zhyvotkova and Viktoriia Kaidash, arrived in Kosovo - as part of the "Journalists in Residence - Kosovo" program. The journalists were welcomed at the airport by the legal officer of ECPMF, Flutura Kusari, the Executive Director of the Association of Kosovo Journalists, Getoarbë Mulliqi Boja, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Kosovo Police. So far, as part of the "Journalists in Residence - Kosovo" program financed by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, four Ukrainian colleagues have been accommodated. Within this program, journalists who have been forced to flee Ukraine receive a monthly salary, rent payment and health insurance. ECPMF and the Association of Kosovo Journalists are making preparations to host more journalists from Ukraine in the coming days.
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