Worrying, the number of women and children abusing drugs is increasing
The number of drug users in Kosovo has increased in the quarter of 2024, compared to the same period last year. The increase in the number of women and minors aged 10-11 years who consume narcotic substances is also worrying.
According to the statistics of the Psychiatric Clinic at the UCCK (University Clinical Center of Kosovo), in the past years the 14-18-year-old age group dominated drug use, and now there are cases of 10-11-year-olds using drugs. Meanwhile, the drug known as cocaine is increasing in use by the female sex.
The director of the Psychiatry Clinic at UCCK, Faton Kutllovci, admitting that the female sex is dominating in drug use, told KosovaPress that there are only nine beds in the department of addiction diseases, while during these three months there have been 35 patients.
The director of the "Labyrinth" Specialist-Psychiatric Center, Safet Blakaj, also says that the use of cocaine is increasing among women.
Blakaj has shown over the phone that in all of Kosovo, the number of drug users is about 40 thousand people, while in their center there are over 2840 people.
Meanwhile, neuropsychiatrist Sami Rexhepi has emphasized that marijuana is waking up a genetic code that is dormant and the psychotic disorder is also manifesting.
According to the Kosovo Police, during the period January-March of this year, 159 people were arrested for narcotic substances, 10 of them minors between the ages of 14-18. While in 2023, 859 people were arrested, of which 74 were minors. /A.Shala/