Women's participation in public and political life, more gender equality is required
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With the title "Women's participation in public and political life", the Agency for Gender Equality in cooperation with the Kosovar Gender Studies Center held the regular consultative meeting, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Platform, the 24th anniversary of Resolution 1325 Women Peace and Security.

This traditional meeting is held with the aim of advancing women's rights in political and public life.

The Executive Director of the Agency for Gender Equality from the Prime Minister's office, Edi Gusia, has emphasized that this meeting represents one of the rare practices where meetings between the executive and civil society become a regular tradition on an annual basis to meet and discuss the priority issues of gender equality as the agency and the Kosovar Gender Studies Center have been doing for seven years in a row.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director, Kosovar Gender Studies Center, Luljeta Demolli mentioned the progress report published a few days ago, for which she said that the evaluation of this report shows that the responsibility of the institutions to promote gender equality still leaves much to be desired.

On the other hand, Saranda Bogujevci, the deputy speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, also spoke, who said that equality is not only an activity, but should be a mindset, adding that here too there should be a greater focus if inequality must be eliminated.

The main political adviser in the European Commission, Cyprien Francois, said that the EU will help Kosovo in the advancement of women's rights.

The Kosovo Program for Gender Equality 2020-2024, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, places the issue of women's participation in political and public life as one of the main strategic objectives. In accordance with the objectives arising from this Program, the Agency in cooperation with the Center aims to bring attention to the position of women in political and public life from an interrelated perspective. /E.Krasniqi/

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