Which of the books and authors were read the most during 2023
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The demand of Kosovar readers for books continues to be focused on the world trend, either on literature or other books such as motivators, books about personal advancement.

In the bookstores of the capital, such as "Dukagjini", "Buzuku", but also from the "Hivzi Sulejmani" Library, they show which books were the most requested for reading during 2023, while book sellers complain about the lack of interest in reading books and that this is also reflected in the PISA test.

Dorontina Drenovci, representative of the "Dukagjini" bookstore, tells KosovaPress that during 2023 there has been a large influx of new titles of various works, while the demands for children's literature are also increasing.

Antigona Alija, representative of the children's book sector in the "Hivzi Sulejmani" library, shows the most read books and authors in this library.

The acting director of this library, Fatime Mehmetaj, tells KosovaPress, which books were read the most by adults during 2023.

Whereas from the "Buzuku" bookstore they say that from year to year, fortunately, the trend of publications, but also sales and reading has been increasing.

"Readers' demand continues to be mainly focused on the world trend, either on literature or other books such as motivators, books about personal advancement, etc. In "Buzuku" bookstores, the greatest demand has been: "48 Laws of Power", "Ikigai", "Surrounded by Idiots", "Atomic Expression", "The Little Prince", "Laws of Human Nature", "Museum of innocence", "Animal that gives soul", "Nothingness", it is said in a written response to KosovaPress from this publishing house.

Unlike bookstores and libraries, citizens' interest in reading books does not seem to be great.

Mirsad Krasniqi, a bookseller in Prishtina, says that the sale of books has fallen compared to 2022 and that the lack of interest in reading has also been reflected in the results of the PISA 2022 test, where Kosovo was ranked among the weakest.

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