VV is convinced: In the next elections we will win more than 50 percent
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1 year ago
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Vetëvendosje is convinced that in the next parliamentary elections they will score a higher result than in the elections of 2021. In the ruling party, they say that they are ready for elections, whether there will be early elections this year, or regular in beginning of 2025. According to them, the second term of the Kurti government will be the completion of many reforms and processes started in the first term.

VV MP, Adnan Rrustemi, tells KosovaPress that based on the work done during these three years, the assessment of citizens' opinion through surveys and facilities for our compatriots to vote in embassies, they will exceed 50 percent in the next elections.

According to him, the opposition parties are competing among themselves for the second place and to overcome the challenge of the electoral threshold.

Speaking about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Rrustemi tells KosovaPress that without signing the Brussels and Ohrid agreement, the agreement cannot be implemented.

In addition, the MP of the ruling party sees as encouraging the start of the collection of signatures for the dismissal of the mayors of the four northern municipalities.

Meanwhile, Rrustemi declares that the acceptance of RKS license plates by Serbia, as well as the implementation of the energy agreement, is not a constructive approach by Serbia, but an acceptance of the reality on the ground after the insistence of the Government of Kosovo. /E.Zeqiri/

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