VV does not expect problems for the election of the president, PDK has no votes for Osmani and LDK is in doubt
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3 year ago
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Vetëvendosje as the winning party in the February 14 elections is not expecting problems for the election of the country's president. Albin Kurti's party is convinced that other parliamentary entities will not become an obstacle to the formation of institutions. But the Democratic Party of Kosovo says they have no votes for Vjosa Osmani as president. Whereas, Osmani's former party members from the Democratic League of Kosovo are skeptical about the decision-making they will have at the time of the election of the president.

Vetëvendosje spokesman, Përparim Kryeziu, told KosovaPress, that the election losers (PDK-LDK-AAK), have understood the message of the citizens and will not become an obstacle for the formation of institutions.
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