Vucic blames the British and Americans for the Kosovo heroines
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President Vjosa Osmani took four heroines with her to the UN Security Council Session to prove that they are the defenders of the truth of the violence committed by Serbs during the war in Kosovo.

Osmani had taken with her Fahrije Hoti, Vasfije Krasniqi, Elhame Muçolli, and Shyrete Tahiri, to make sure that the truth will be heard and the truth will be protected.

During her speech, Osmani also spoke about the women who were part of her delegation at the meeting - a survivor of the massacres committed by the Serbian forces in Kosovo, Elhame Muçolli, a woman whose family members disappeared during the war, Fahrije Hoti, as well as two women survivors of sexual violence during the war in Kosovo, Vasfije Krasniqi, and Shyhrete Tahiri.

Official Belgrade did not like their participation in the UN Security Council, which is constantly denying the crimes committed against Kosovo Albanians, including sexual violence during the war.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke today in New York about the participation of Kosovar heroines in the UN Security Council. He has "blamed" the British and Americans for this, who, according to him, allowed them to enter.

The president of Serbia has also spoken about the banning of the dinar, since the CBK decided from February 1 of this year that the euro is the only currency for payments. /KosovaPress

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