Von Cramon: The Franco-German proposal for dialogue is a compromise acceptable to both sides
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2 year ago
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The rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament, Viola von Cramon, says that the Franco-German proposal for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue is an acceptable compromise to both sides.

Von Cramon, told KosovaPress, that in the framework of this agreement, the establishment of the Association of Serbian-majority municipalities should be included. According to her, with what she has read, the solution is very close to what Kosovo would like to see. Meanwhile, Von Cramon emphasizes that Kosovo deserves visa liberalization.

"It depends on both governments, I think there is at least a good compromise on the table, from what I have known it is acceptable, it is a very far going compromise and I wish the both governments that are in charge could agree and accept that”, says Von Cramon.

She advises the two parties in the dialogue to accept the Franco-German proposal.

"No, the association is part of the entire package. I would not refer to the association as such, but the overall package as a compromise. At least, what I have read, is very close to what Kosovo would like to see, and therefore I would advise each and everyone to accept that", adds the rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament.

Regarding the visa liberalization for Kosovo, Von Cramon says that even for her the idea of ​​including Kosovo in the ETIAS system is unclear.

However, she asks the Council of Ministers to give the green light for the liberalization of visas for Kosovo at the next meeting in November.

"Now they have come up with the ETIAS, let's say the next phase, for me personally it is not very clear what it means. Does it mean new conditions or not? But for me one thing is clear, Kosovo deserves visa liberalization as soon as possible. They have fulfilled all 96 criteria, four years ago. The commission has submitted another report, the reviewed report, which is extremely positive, so there is no need for any country, for any state to say that Kosovo should wait, but what will be negotiated and debated in the next council, we do not know. Obviously, there is a group of states that still have reservation", she said.

The Franco-German proposal for the dialogue has been confirmed in Kosovo by the institutional leaders, but they have not given details about its content.

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