This is how the "shadow government" of the PDK will function
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2 year ago
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The Democratic Party of Kosovo will make public the names of the members of the "shadow government" next week. After two years in opposition, the PDK decided to return the cabinet of good governance, which it had had during 2004-2005. Through it, they want to show the willingness to lead again and give a new alternative to the citizens. The member of the PDK leadership, Betim Gjoshi says for KosovaPress, that the "shadow government" will consist of several departments with experts and personalities from academia. "The departments of this cabinet will be important personalities from the academia, from the fields of expertise and other persons who have a willingness to contribute to the politics of Kosovo. It will mainly be people who have functions for the first time. This is also our goal, we have been open, we have talked to many people who are waiting to take the lead or be members of the good governance cabinet. The Cabinet will function in such a way that there will be a coordinator for each department that will cover the areas of responsibility and within it there will be a number of experts, depending on the type that the department has or the segment that touches ... It will be a mirror to see the difference between us and the government, to convince the citizens of Kosovo that the PDK is ready to govern this country, proposing ideas and projects. But even cadres who are more professional than those we are seeing that they lack expertise in government and have difficulty in governing, are incapable of governing make many mistakes and are incapable of doing their job," he said. Gjoshi adds that the people who will head the departments of the "shadow government" and new members will be continuously added...
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