This is how the citizens voted in the poll on whether there should be elections
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9 month ago
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The topic of early elections in Kosovo has been re-actualized after the meeting between Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the head of the PDK, Memli Krasniqi, this meeting took place after the invitation of the head of the executive to the heads of the opposition parties, but which was rejected by the LDK and AAK.

KosovaPress has conducted a survey where citizens have voted for or against holding early elections in Kosovo for a week.

Out of 691 voters, 339 of them or 49 percent voted in favor of holding the elections, while 326 voters or 47 percent voted against.

Meanwhile, 26 participants or another 4 percent in the survey said that they "don't know" if there should be elections in Kosovo.

The date for holding the elections is set by the country's president, after consultations with the political parties. This happens after the Assembly is dissolved.

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