The vehicles of the Kosovo Police and KFOR in Leposaviq are attacked with glass bottles
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5 month ago
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A car without license plates blocked the road and then threw glass bottles at the official vehicles of the Rapid Intervention Unit (RIU) of the Kosovo Police and the American KFOR in the village of Miokovice in Leposaviq.

According to the police, the attack happened today around 04:00, while the police and KFOR were on joint patrol.

"The suspect then fled in the direction of some nearby houses in the village. The Kosovo Police together with KFOR have identified the house and conducted a search where the Kosovar male suspect was arrested, who admitted that he blocked the road and threw the bottle. During the search of the suspect's house, an army jacket with a Serbian emblem was found. The car with which the road was blocked was seized, the suspect, after being interviewed by the competent investigation unit, was released in a regular procedure, while the investigations related to the case are ongoing", the announcement states.

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