The US Ambassador: Kosovo needs a dynamic private sector
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3 year ago
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Strengthening and deepening economic ties and trade relations, which will result in greater prosperity for Americans and Kosovars, is among the highest priorities for the United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeff Hovenier. Speaking at the annual meeting of the General Assembly of the American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, Ambassador Hovenier said that 2021 was a good year for Kosovo's economy and that the private sector is the main driver of economic growth. He stressed the importance of a dynamic private sector, as well as the need to strengthen dialogue with the business community, and harness the power of diaspora investment. "One of the main priorities of our Embassy is to support the European and Euro-Atlantic trajectory of Kosovo. Kosovo is a small market, but it has the potential to become a center of trade and investment in Southeast Europe," said Ambassador Hovenier, adding that the US Embassy supports initiatives that create more efficient cross-border trade and lead to a more competitive and more inclusive economy.
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