The selection of the new governor of CBK, suspicions of lack of transparency
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2 year ago
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After the publication of the shortlist of four candidates for the position of the governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo, the Fol movement suspects that there was no full transparency in the process for the recruitment of the new governor.

This organization was not allowed to do the monitoring after it refused to sign the confidentiality statement.

On the other hand, the Central Bank of Kosovo told KosovaPress that from the announcement of the competition for the position of the governor, until the publication of the shortlist, the entire process for the selection of candidates for this position was carried out with complete transparency.

According to the CBK, the Panel for the selection of candidates for the position of governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK) has compiled the short list of candidates to send to the Assembly of Kosovo.

According to the CBK announcement, Ahmet Ismaili, Lulzim Ismajli, Nexhat Kryeziu and Shkendije Himaj are the ones who will compete for the position of governor.

The monitor in the Fol movement, Viona Bunjaku, told KosovaPress that civil society has no knowledge of how the four candidates selected in the short list for governor were evaluated.

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